Friday, September 4, 2009

The New Apartment

Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days. We've been relocating to a new apartment.
It has been so. so. stressful. These are actual transcripts of things we have said in the past few days:

"Is it possible to get so mad at a customer service person that it is assault?
When do I cross the line between dissatisified customer and harassment?"

-"Turn on some Eminem."
-"I am so mad. Not even Marshall knows what it is like to be this mad."

-"Without the last four digits of Miss Keyler's social, I can't change anything
on the account or assist you."
-"I'm not changing any information. I'm making a box that doesn't work
turn into something that gives internet to my computer."
- (pause) "I will assist you."

- [phone cuts out] "I'm going to fucking flip my shit-- Uh huh."

-"Yup, it's 'hey we got internet here.' Nope. Five seperate words. Yeah. No,
it's 'Hey - we - got - internet --' yeah, sorry my roomates are--. Yeah. 'Internet here.'"

1 comment:

Wallflower Extraordinaire said...

I accidentally clicked to the comments section and the word verification was "filth," so I felt the need to say something.

So, uh, "typical."
